Школа молодого учителя иностранного языка


На базе гимназии 14 февраля 2013 года проводилось очередное занятие школы молодого
учителя иностранного языка Пружанского района. Учитель английского языка высшей
категории Ковалевич О.Н. для молодых коллег провела открытый урок английского в
11 классе по теме «Туризм». Урок проведен на высоком
организационно-методическом уровне, на всех его этапах прослеживалась
коммуникативная направленность урока, имели место все виды речевой
деятельности. Учащиеся продемонстрировали высокий уровень владения английским
языком, эффективно использовались электронные средства обучения.

ГУО «Гимназия г.Пружаны»

Урок английского языка в 11 классе

Тема урока «Путешествие»

Подготовила и провела

учитель высшей категории

Ковалевич Ольга Николаевна

                                       2012/2013 учебный год

Тема:    Travelling


– Обобщить и систематизировать знания учащихся по теме “Туризм”. Развить умение вести и поддерживать беседу на языке по материалу урока, соблюдать лексические, грамматические и фонетические нормы языка в монологическом высказывании.

– Способствовать развитию языковой памяти, логического мышления и творческого воображения.

– Укрепить и поддержать у учащихся стойкий интерес к изучаемому предмету через страноведческий материал. Расширить их познания об англоязычных странах.


Ход урока.

1.T: Good-morning students and guests! I am  glad to see you here! Look at me, pleasе  and give me your smile. O.K. Thank you! What about your mood?




T: What marks would you like to have today at the end of our lesson?




2. T: task №1

How is the title related to  the pictures?

In which continent is each place in the pictures?

What do you know about these places?

Have you ever visited them?

Which would you like to visit? Why?

b) Which of the following do you think you can do in each place?

You can add your own ideas.

– see people and traditional dress

– admire interesting architecture

– visit ancient castles, historical sites

– walk along  white sandy beaches

– try delicious local cuisine

– see spectacular falls

– go scuba diving/hiking/white –water rafting…




T: And  what do you think we`ll speak about today?


3. T: Yes, you are right today we`ll speak about traveling!!!


Today, we`re are having one of the final lessons on our topic.


We`ll do a lot of different tasks: listening, working in pairs, discuss various points.


The aim of our lesson is to review all the material and sum it up!

Let`s start!


4. T: Listen to three speakers talking about travelling and answer the questions below:

1) Why do many travel today according to the first speaker?

2) How does the second speaker describe people who never travel?

3) What can a person gain travelling to other countries according to the third speaker?


5. T: Thanks a lot for you work. We`ll continue to work in groups and make up the conversations and role play them, ok!


1) Make up a conversation between two friends talking about a recent trip to Brazil. Then in a pair  role play it. Table N1 can help you!


2) Imagine that one of your friends has had the journey to the lost city! You are so jealous and you wish to know as more as possible about his holiday! Then in a pair role play it. Table N2 can help you!


3) Imagine that you are in England. You wish to enjoy your trip and for this you need a coach. The conversation probably takes place at a car or a boat rental agency!

Then in a pair role play it. Table N3 can help you!


6. T: You are a hard-working and now time for relax. You`ll watch the video track, but please be attentively and try to answer four the question “Who travels west, travels not only with the sun but with the history”


P2…(Rome and St. Valentine)


7. T: Thanks lot for your ideas and now imagine that you are the tourist agents and you make the advertisements of your tours! Welcome!

(use these tables and they can help you)


T: Imagine, that I am a manager of a tourist agency “Mostravel”. I would like to welcome to our agency. Our tour operator focused on special interest travel packages whether a group tours or an individual adventures: cultural, historical, architectural, adventure, outdoor, food  tours, trekking, hiking, mountain biking, rafting, bird watching, helicopter trips, off-road and winter ski tours; also  vacation packages and hotel booking in the main cities in the world, provinces or resorts.


P1: Welcome to Belarus!

Geographically Belarus is located in the heart of Europe and shares borders with Poland in the west, Ukraine in the south, Russia in the east and north and the Baltic States in the north-west. Most visitors to Belarus would need a short-term tourist visa. Please, learn more about Belarus Visa rules in our Visa Support Section.
The most inviting factor that Belarus has to offer is the warmth of its welcome and the hospitality its people extend to its guests. Where else in the world can you see a greeting smile from everyone you meet in the street?


P2: We provide the complete set of services for individual travelers and tourist groups: package tours, special interest travel, hotel and vacation booking, car and guide service, outdoor adventures. Believe we can help to arrange your journey.



P3: Where do you want to go today? We can true your dreams!!!

Our thousands of satisfied clients in worldwide are the proof, why we are the best tour operators in Europe.


P4: Mostravel is a reputed Travel Company.

Our aim is to make every holiday a lifetime trip in the tourist’s aspired destinations.

We treat our clients as our guest and try to fulfill their every possible needs.


P5: Mostravel knowledgeable and trained professional staff always takes personal care to its clients and try to keep them happy by any means.

Our travel expertise initially listen to your points  and help them out by giving proper information regarding their desired tour destination.

We have a wide network inside the countries and assure you to show the best part of every tourist cities inside of Europe and not only in it, believe!


8. T: Thanks lot for your work today.

You did your best and please now feedback “Traveller`s Tips”

You are really bright!!!!!





Task №1

How is the title related to the pictures? In which continent is each place in the pictures?

What do you know about these places? Have you ever visited them?

Which would you like to visit? Why? And what do you think we`ll speak about today?

b) Which of the following do you think you can do in each place?

You can add your own ideas.

– ee people and traditional dress

– admire interesting architecture

– visit ancient castles, historical sites

– walk along  white sandy beaches

– try delicious local cuisine

– see spectacular falls

– go scuba diving/hiking/white –water rafting…



1) Make up a conversation between two friends talking about a recent trip to Brazil. Then in a pair  role play it. Table N1 can help you!

2) Imagine that one of your friends has had the journey to the lost city! You are so jealous and you wish to know as more as possible about his holiday! Then in a pair role play it. Table N2 can help you!

3) Imagine that you are in England. You wish to enjoy your trip and for this you need a coach. The conversation probably takes place at a car or a boat rental agency!

Then in a pair role play it. Table N3 can help you!



 Welcome to Belarus!

Geographically Belarus is located in the heart of Europe and shares borders with Poland in the west, Ukraine in the south, Russia in the east and north and the Baltic States in the north-west. Most visitors to Belarus would need a short-term tourist visa. Please, learn more about Belarus Visa rules in our Visa Support Section.
The most inviting factor that Belarus has to offer is the warmth of its welcome and the hospitality its people extend to its guests. Where else in the world can you see a greeting smile from everyone you meet in the street?


We provide the complete set of services for individual travelers and tourist groups: package tours, special interest travel, hotel and vacation booking, car and guide service, outdoor adventures. Believe we can help to arrange your journey.


Where do you want to go today? We can true your dreams!!!

Our thousands of satisfied clients in worldwide are the proof, why we are the best tour operators in Europe.


Mostravel is a reputed Travel Company.

Our aim is to make every holiday a lifetime trip in the tourist’s aspired destinations.

We treat our clients as our guest and try to fulfill their every possible needs.


Mostravel knowledgeable and trained professional staff always takes personal care to its clients and try to keep them happy by any means.

Our travel expertise initially listen to your points and help them out by giving proper information regarding their desired tour destination.

We have a wide network inside the countries and assure you to show the best part of every tourist cities inside of Europe and not only in it, believe!


Table N1:

– I thought….Brazil?

– No, …

– What was….pleasure?

– I went for…

– Can you tell …

– Well, the trip was…

– That sounds …

– it`s … about carnival…

– jealous..

– are tired…

– the nightlife is good…

– to recover…


1) Make up a conversation between two friends talking about a recent trip to Brazil. Then in a pair  role play it. Table N1 can help you!

2) Imagine that one of your friends has had the journey to the lost city! You are so jealous and you wish to know as more as possible about his holiday! Then in a pair role play it. Table N2 can help you!


Table N2:

–  …as I know…

–  … amazing…

–  What was the trip…

–  …no business..

–  …tell me about it..

–  …the see trip was enough..

–  That sounds so-so…

–  ..the ancient site loom out..

–  Sounds …mystery… the “gate of the sun”

–  …on opposite side…

–  …looks like…

–  .ancient stone..

–  …exciting?

–  ..the Incans ..

–  ..for recovery!


3) Imagine that you are in England. You wish to enjoy your trip and for this you need a coach. The conversation probably takes place at a car or a boat rental agency!

Then in a pair role play it. Table N3 can help you!


–  Good-morning. Can I help you?

–  …Certainly. What type of car would you like?

–  …

–  Well , including the insurance, it will cost 100pounds.

–  …

–  May I see your driving licence, please?

–  ….

–  Now, if  you will  read and sign the contract here, i`ll get the keys.

–  …




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